Bleib nicht auf ebnem Feld!
Steig nicht zu hoch hinaus!
Am schönsten sieht die Welt
Von halber Höhe aus.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
The speaker is stating a lesson, about viewpoint of seeing the world. It is one of those typical ideas of seeing the world at different angles/viewpoints/lenses, whatever pleonasm one decides to use when giving such advice. It is all the same. Our species knows what to do, but we never seem to follow through as a whole. Some try, some succeed, some suffer, some die. For what? This poem speaks so much to me. Even with the pleonastic sayings. It is telling me to live. Do my own thing, do what makes me happy. Do not be a slave to time or society. See the present for yourself, do not get wrapped up in the future or future endeavors. Be wrapped up in what you see now. Nothing more, nothing less. LIVE!
Worldly Wisdom
Do not stay in the field!
Nor climb out of sight
The best view of the world
Is from medium height.
-Friedrich Nietzsche translated by Walter Kaufmann
I fear that staying in the field is like that of the "Field of Dreams" or the "Elysian Fields" in Greek mythology. It is the spot were everything is always good and grand and no harm can come of it. The field is suppose to be perfect. Happiness but one can still get cut but a piece of grass or bitten by a snake. When that tends to happen people look for a tree to climb up or a mountain to escape the wrong doing. None of this should be an option. The medium height is from your own eyes. View it. Live it. Love it.